Quilt loader 0.19.2 Changelog


  • Updated quilt.mod.json handling to be up-to-date with RFC 56:
  • Added warnings when encountering dependency constraints that are unnecessary.
  • #326 Added an Active User Beacon, outlined in RFC 81.
  • Added global config and cache paths to the QuiltLoader api class:
    • “getGlobalConfigDir” and “getGlobalCacheDir”.
    • The config path depends on the operating system:
      • “%LOCALAPPDATA%\QuiltMC\QuiltLoaderAndMods” on windows
      • ”~/Library/Application Support/org.quiltmc.QuiltLoaderAndMods” on mac os
      • “XDG_CONFIG_HOME/quilt_loader_and_mods” on linux.
        • If XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not defined then it defaults to ”~/.config”
    • Cache directories are similar:
      • “%LOCALAPPDATA%\QuiltMC\QuiltLoaderAndMods/Cache” on windows
      • ”~/Library/Cache/org.quiltmc.QuiltLoaderAndMods” on mac os
      • “XDG_CACHE_HOME/quilt_loader_and_mods” on linux.
        • If “XDG_CACHE_HOME” is not defined then it defaults to ”~/.cache”
  • Added “flags” to the mod table.
    • ‘o’ means that a mod has had one of its dependencies changed
    • ‘R’ means that a mod has had one of its dependencies removed.
    • These are only shown in the “plugin” mod table right now, they will be added to the main mod table in the future.
  • Added more flexibility to the override file format:
    • When “path” matching you can omit the version to match on a single dependency (Fuzzy matching)
    • Added “id” matching, which matches against all mods with that id. This disallows fuzzy version matching.
    • Added “pattern” matching, which matches against a regular expression. This disallows fuzzy version matching.
  • Added a new system property “loader.workaround.jar_copy_all_mods”, for issues where mods require that every mod is in a jar file. This is very slow in large packs, so it’s recommended that mods are fixed to not require this.

Bug Fixes:

  • #321 “button.view_file” not translated in some places
  • Fixed QuiltLoaderText not shouting loudly enough when something is wrong with the args.
  • #322 Fixed not being able to handle non-overlapping dependencies in fabric.mod.json files.
  • Fixed French localisation not loading correctly all the time due to file encoding issues.
  • Fixed the report for mod dependencies not including the list of mods which require that particular version.