Enigma 2.3.0 Changelog

As always, we’ve hard at work improving the beautiful software that helps mappers map. Today, we get to release all the fixes we’ve been working on for the last couple months!

  • added inactive states for inheritance tree dockers
    • this includes the implementations docker and inheritance docker. when they have no inheritance to display, they will show messages informing the user of their state
  • added a progress bar in the bottom right corner to indicate stat generation progress
    • this progress bar is usable for other work as well, and will be used to display other things in the future!
  • added prettier printing for field types in the identifier panel
    • matches the printing used by lambda types
  • whitespace is now automatically stripped when creating EntryMapping objects
  • development options menu is now always shown if any development options are enabled
  • added a config option for disabling stat icons
  • fixed stat icons not matching the currently editable types
  • fixed stat generation having the wrong amount of total work
  • fixed entry navigator not updating after name proposal
  • fixed checkboxes not displaying properly in the search panel
  • added a processor to display all possible language choices in the config file
  • updated dependencies
    • ASM: 9.6 -> 9.8-20240409.145119-3
      • this version is a snapshot. if you want to use enigma 2.3, you’ll need to include the ow2 snapshot repository in your buildscript via adding maven { url = "https://repository.ow2.org/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/" } to your repositories block
    • vineflower: 1.10.0-20240126.053810-85 -> 1.10.0
      • you can now remove the vineflower snapshot repository from your buildscripts!
    • quilt config: 1.2.0 -> 1.3.0
    • syntaxpain: 0.1.2 -> 0.1.5
    • cfr: 0.2.1 -> 0.2.2
    • guava: 32.0.1 -> 33.0.0
    • flatlaf: 3.2.5 -> 3.4