
Edited: August 29, 2024

February 2nd, 2021

The Quilt Initiative Discord server is created, as a temporary place to put together an initial plan for the Quilt project.

i509VCB introduces the initiative server to its first members

i509VCB introduces the Initiative Server to its first members

April 4th, 2021

The Quilt Community Discord server is founded, to provide an official, public community space. While things are still being set up and planned out, single-use invites are handed out to trusted, prominent Fabric community members — the server isn’t made public immediately.

April 5th, 2021

To drum up some interest and figure out what the modding community would think about Quilt, one of the founding members posts a Pastebin “leak” on a drama server. The document includes some information about the governance and moderation policy of a new project named “Fabrique”, a false name used to avoid exposing Quilt’s projects before they were ready to be made public.

The message linking the 'leaked' Pastebin document

The message linking the ‘leaked’ Pastebin document

April 17th, 2021

The Quilt GitHub organisation runs out of free Actions minutes, which means that its repositories must be made public. It doesn’t take long for people to find them, either!

i509VCB and Prospector talk about people finding the forked Loom repository

i509VCB and Prospector talk about people finding the forked Loom repository

April 20th, 2021

The Quilt Community Discord server is officially made public, with proper invites being created and handed out. Almost 350 users join the server on this first day, which is emblematic of people’s interest in the project and its community.

On the same day, the Quilt Toolchain Discord server is set up and opened to the public. This server was designed for project-relevant development discussions, as a place for people to work together on Quilt and its projects, and for everyone else to gain a window into Quilt’s development processes.

Earthcomputer and i509VCB share celebratory crabs on the new toolchain server

Earthcomputer and i509VCB share celebratory crabs on the new Toolchain Server

April 20th, 2021 (Later)

On the Community server, a game of skribbl.io was played to celebrate the server’s opening to the public. During this game, a player was tasked with drawing a pumpkin, and many of the players guessed “pineapple”. This drawing quickly became a community favourite, and Pineapple was born — Quilt’s first community mascot.

Users spam the new Pineapple emote

Users spam the new Pineapple emote

April 20th, 2022

Quilt officially entered its first beta today, attracting an influx of new users and an amazing amount of support and positive feedback. By the end of the day, Quilt was happily loading both Quilt and Fabric mods, and had uploaded QSL to Modrinth

Graph of Discord joins around the time of the beta release

Graph of Discord joins around the time of the beta release

May 5th, 2023

Quilt officially sunsets the Toolchain Discord server, merging its channels into the main Discord server, previously the community server - in an attempt to bring the developers closer to the users.

This server was made read-only three days later, but may still be accessed - just in case anyone needs to refer to something that was discussed there.

Present Day

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